
Symphony Worship (인도네시아 찬양팀)

007 RAMBO 2016. 12. 25. 00:00

Ada Kuasa : There is Power

Hadirat Mu : Your Presence

Namanya Tuhanku (My Lord is Mighty God)

Menara yang teguh (Strong tower is his name)

Kota benteng perlindunganku (He is my protection and my strengh)

Allah Yang Perkasa (He is Almighty God)

Dia Bapa yang kekal (He is Eternal God)

Gunung batu kes'lamatanku (He is My Salvation and my rock)

Engkau Yang Termulia (Majesty, your are King)

Di bumi di surga (Over the earth You Reign)

Termasyur perkasa selamanya (I am strong in your Name forevermore)

Engkau Yang Berkuasa (Mighty God, You are Here)

Di dalam s'gala Hal (Above All You have won)

Ada Kuasa dalam nama Yesusku (There's Power in the Name of Jesus Christ)

Nama di atas segala Nama (Nothing can compare the name of Jesus)

Nama yang t'lah membebaskanku (I am free cause Jesus set me free)

S'gala kuasa tunduk (Everything will bow down)

Pada Nama itu (With one voice declaring)

Yesus Tuhan Segala Tuhan (Jesus is the Lord above all Lords)

Nama di atas segala Nama (Nothing can compare the name of Jesus)

Nama yang t'lah membebaskanku (I am free cause Jesus set me free)

S'gala kuasa tunduk (Everything will bow down)

Pada Nama itu (With one voice declaring)

Yesus Raja Segala Raja (Jesus is the King above all Kings)