Never in uniform again: Trump was photographed at New York Military Academy where he was captain of his class cadet corps but he deferred the draft repeatedly as a student, and was then medically disqualified

일반 고등학교 대신 New York Military Academy라는 군사고등학교를 다님.

동창생들 중에 장군된 사람들이 많다고 함.

Quite the athlete: Trump (center) was a talented athlete in a series of sports - including basketball (above) 


Trump was inducted into the NYMA's Hall of Fame because his sports achievements were considered so impressive. He is pictured in the middle


Donald Trump in the front, in the middle at NYMA. Trump won the Proficient Cadet award for two years running and Honor Cadet for four years running

가운데 (생도회장)

Trump, pictured in the middle, marches during his time at NYMA


Lauded: While he was at the New York Military Academy Trump (left) was scouted for two baseball teams and West Point. But he went first to Fordham College, then Wharton, and never served in Vietnam


졸업후 West Point 합격했으나 Fordham 대학교에 진학함.